Basics of FI

Types of Financial Independence (FI)

Introduction Financial Independence (FI) is a goal that we strive for here in this blog, allowing us to live life on our terms without being reliant on a traditional job. However, the path to achieving FI isn’t one-size-fits-all. There are various approaches, each suited to different lifestyles, goals, and financial situations. Whether you want to

Types of Financial Independence (FI) Read More »

How to calculate your FI number and what is the 4% Rule?

Your Financial Independence (FI) number is the dollar figure representing the total assets you need to generate a stable income that covers your living expenses. This typically consists of investments and savings that allow you to achieve financial freedom. To calculate your FI number, you first need to understand your annual living expenses. While it’s

How to calculate your FI number and what is the 4% Rule? Read More »

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